Hey Team!
So before I continue with the narrative, I think it should be known that I spent yesterday afternoon PILOTING A STUNT PLANE! (sorry Mom) It was the greatest thing ever!! My head is still spinning, though that may be the dehydration. I will detail more later.
But where were we?
Ah yes, the departure from Taupo was grand. A very sleepy Darcy wanted to go to bed at 11:30. But oh no! It was our last night with Olaf, so celebrations were most definitely in order! We joined Lauren and Luis for drinks, darts and a jam that made for great nights and far too early mornings.
The next day (3 hours of sleep later) we were to set out for National Park and the Tongariro Crossing - New Zealand's Best Day Hike. But it was pissing rain. Sad face because I had been getting stoked to see Mt. Doom and get some exercise, but not too sad because we got to cool off and my ankle was grateful not to trek 20 kilometres. (I have also ducked out of the Franz Josef Glacier full day hike on the 6th so as to not injure myself and save a bit of coin.) The furtherst walking I did that day in the park was from the hostel to the shop, 300 trying metres away.
Other than that it was picture saving, e-mailing, and some good old fashioned hot tubbing with Luis and a French couple while discussing the meaning of life and society amidst jets of heavenly water.
A couple of rounds of a game called "Stacking Chairs" with some English girls and it was time to call it a night. A well-deserved rest.
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